Q: You offer free shipping and “no hassle” returns, but you don't pay the return shipping price. Why?
A: We will pay the return shipping price if it's our mistake. For example, if we have shipped a defective item or the wrong sized product, of course we'll pay for you to send it back. We'll keep our mistakes to a minimum, but if we make one we'll make it easy for you to make a return. Complete return instructions will be included in every shipment as well as a return label.
Q: How can I be assured the item was actually made in Ireland?
A: I return home to Ireland four or five times a year and personally select the items we offer at Irish Ann’s. I visit artisans and the many factories where products are made. The vast majority of our items will be made in Ireland and will retain the original manufacturer's tag. We will list the item’s country of origin in its description
Q: I see you also offer tours to Ireland. Can you tell me more?
A: I have been customizing and selling group tours through Celtic Tours for 15 years. I specialize in custom guides to the Ireland that a typical tourist doesn’t see. Whether you want to play golf or fish in Ireland, or “see the sights” with a group in a packaged tour, I have the experience to make your trip to the Emerald Isle the vacation of a lifetime.
Q: Why does Ireland have the reputation of manufacturing superior products?
A: I believe the reputation is deserved, and I also believe the reason Ireland manufactures superior products is because of the pride of ownership of the Irish. The Irish are proud people and you can see that everywhere. Their homes might be small, but they are always neat and clean. Their towns and villages are immaculate, and they take ownership of what they make. Almost all Irish manufacturers offer tours of their facilities. Do you think you could tour a Chinese factory?
Q: I like to see and feel what I am buying. Do you have a retail store?
A: We do have markets in Florida and our home base is Howard's Market in Homosassa. We're open at Howard's every weekend. We're are also going to do other markets in Florida, particularly the Webster Westside Market on Mondays.
Q: What if I want something from Ireland that I don't see on your site?
A: Please Contact Us let us know what you’d like and we’ll make every effort to resource it for you.
Q: I live in Wilmington, Illinois and was a regular customer at your store, The Trinity Knot. You broke my heart when you sold and moved to Florida. Why?
A:We had a great run in Wilmington after four-plus years of 10-hour days, seven days a week. It was simply time for a new adventure. Doing business in Wilmington is a lot harder than it needs to be.